About Us

We are among the very few staking service entities emerging from Indian Blockchain ecosystem. We bring the experience of more than 20+ years in infrastructure space and 3+ years in Blockchain and Governance. Radical Truth and Transparency is at the core of our values, along with striving for excellence. LedgerWise is founded by team members of EOS Metal, Attic Lab and Telos India.

Networks we secure

WAX Blockchain

WAX (Worldwide Asset eXchange) is an environmentally-friendly blockchain designed for e-commerce, NFTs, gaming, virtual worlds, and collectibles.

XPR Network

The XPR Network revolutionizes cross-border transactions by offering a fast, secure, and cost-effective solution.

Telos Blockchain

Telos enables the development and deployment of smart contracts on the world's fastest, most scalable, and affordable Telos EVM

Fio Chain

Fio enables fast, scalable, and gas-free transactions, making it ideal for seamless coin and token transfers.


Subsquid is a decentralized query engine and horizontally-scalable data lake for batch queries.


Nubit is a scalable and the first Bitcoin-native data availability layer, secured by Bitcoin, for the Bitcoin community.

UX Network

UX Network offers a flexible, portable, and cost-efficient KYC experience for dApps and users.

Our Portfolio

  • All
  • AI
  • WAX
  • Open-Source









IPFS Resizer



Join over 5,000 delegators who trust Ledgerwise for secure and reliable blockchain validation.

$0.5 Million

Total Stake

$5 Million+

Total Delegated


Decentralisation, anti-fragility, and entropy summarise our DMs.

Ledgerwise team shares the values of radical truth and transparency. We are motivated and passionate for Distributed Ledger Technology and aims to onboard people still unaware of the transformation this revolutionary technology will bring. We are team of Nerds, problem solvers, governors, thinkers and community builder, with the team together bringing an experience of 20+ years in Tech and 4+ in running a business. We are involved in EOSIO space from the last two years, running block production node on EOS, followed by Telos under the name of EOSMetal. The team is starting their second innings with Ledgerwise and upcoming crypto game.

Shivam Verma


Jorge Ferrando


Rahul Gautam

Fullstack Developer

Gilbert Loyogoy

Blockchain Developer

Stay in touch